onsdag 16. februar 2011

Love thy beer

Use 3,5 mm needles and sport weight yarn.

heart pattern,
empty square = k
O = yo
/ = k2tog
\ = ssk
/|\ = slip 2 as if to k2tog, k1, pass slipped sts over

CO 40 sts and join in the round.
Knit one round.
Next row: yo, ssk, repeat to the end of the row.

Knit eight rounds.

Start on the heart-pattern chart. To make the heart pattern on both sides, knit seven sts after each row in the chart, then knit the same row from the chart again, and finish the row with seven knitted sts. This will make the total of 40 sts (13 from the chart + k7 + 13 from the chart + k7).

After finishing the chart, knit eight rounds.

Next row: yo, ssk, repeat to the end of the row.

Knit six rounds.

Then start the decreasing rows:
1. purl all sts
2. ssk, k3, repeat to the end of row
3. knit all sts
4. ssk, k2, repeat to the end of row
5. knit all sts
6. ssk, k1, repeat to the end of row
7. knit all sts
8. ssk all sts

Pull thread through the rest of the sts.

Chart made with Knitting Chart Maker.

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